Florida Spine & Pain Management Institute

Can the Florida Spine & Pain Institute Help You Beat Back Pain?

Help you Beat back pain

Do you find yourself in a constant battle with back pain, wondering if there’s hope for relief and a life free from the nagging ache or sharp twinges? You’re not alone. Back pain can significantly impact one’s quality of life, but it is a common condition that can affect anyone at any age. 


According to researchers, the prevalence of back pain in the United States is alarmingly high. Back pain is a common issue that affects a significant number of Americans. Statistics indicate that up to 80% of the population will experience this condition at some point in their lives. The pain can range from mild to severe and significantly impact well-being.

But here’s the good news: back pain can be treated and doesn’t have to be a life sentence. If you struggle to manage your pain and maintain your quality of life.

In this article, we will explore the causes and risk factors of back pain, as well as the importance of consultations and diagnoses for a healthier back.


Understanding Back Pain

Your back is a marvel of nature’s engineering, composed of muscles, ligaments, tendons, disks, and bones working harmoniously to support your body and allow you to move.The spine consists of segments cushioned by disks and cartilage-like pads that serve as shock absorbers. When any of these components experience issues or malfunctions, it can lead to the development of back pain.


Back pain can have many causes, some known while others remain a mystery. Here at the 

Florida Spine Institute, we treat a wide range of back injuries, including:


  • Spinal Compression Fractures: Sudden fractures can lead to severe pain and disability.
  • Muscle Problems: Strains and other muscle-related issues that can be a source of persistent pain.
  • Kyphosis: A condition characterized by an abnormal rounding of the upper back.
  • Disc Herniation: The slipping or rupturing of a spinal disc.
  • Spondylolisthesis/Spondylosis: Conditions involving the shifting or degeneration of vertebrae.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: A condition where spinal discs wear down, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Lordosis: This is an excessive inward curve of the spine.
  • Scoliosis: A sideways curvature of the spine.

Types of Back Pain

When it comes to back pain, there are three primary categories that it can fall into depending on the root cause. 

These categories include:

    1.Axial Pain

Often described as sharp or dull, axial pain is confined to one spot or region. It may come and go or persist, frequently caused by muscle strains, facet joint issues, or annular tears in discs.

  2.Referred Pain

This type of pain tends to be dull and achy, with the peculiarity of moving around and varying intensity. An example would be degenerative disc disease, causing referred pain to the posterior thighs and hips.

  3.Radicular Pain

Radicular pain is characterized as electric shock-like or searing, typically following the path of a spinal nerve. Radicular pain, which may travel into the leg, can be caused by herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis.You might have heard it referred to as sciatica or radiculopathy when accompanied by weakness and numbness.

Although back pain can be a significant burden, the good news is that in about 90% of cases, it improves without surgery. However, it’s important to note that approximately 50% of patients who experience low back pain episodes will have recurrent episodes within a year. Low back pain is classified as chronic when it persists for over 12 weeks.


Most acute low back pain is the result of injury to the ligaments, muscles, joints, or discs. The body responds to this injury by mobilizing an inflammatory healing response, which can cause significant pain. It’s crucial to understand that the time course of pain can help determine the underlying cause. Muscles and ligaments tend to heal rapidly, while a torn disc may or may not. This distinction is key in identifying the best treatment options for your specific condition.

Causes and Risk Factors of Back Pain

There are several common risk factors that make individuals more susceptible to back pain. 

These include:

  • Aging: Our backs become more susceptible to wear and tear as we age, making older individuals more prone to back pain.
  • Occupational Factors: Jobs that involve heavy lifting, prolonged sitting, or repetitive movements can increase the risk of back pain.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle: A lack of physical activity and poor posture can lead to back problems.
  • Obesity: Carrying excess weight adds stress to the spine, increasing the risk of injury and pain.
  • Genetics: Some people may be genetically predisposed to back conditions.
  • Medical Conditions: Conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis can contribute to back pain.
  • Trauma: Accidents and injuries, such as car accidents or falls, can result in back pain.


Consultations and Diagnosis

Seeking professional consultation is the first step towards discovering hope for a pain-free back. When you come to the Florida Spine and Pain Institute, our team of specialists will work with you to diagnose the cause of your back pain. 


We employ state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, including imaging studies, physical examinations, and thorough medical histories, to pinpoint the source of your discomfort.


Once the diagnosis is established, our experts will discuss treatment options with you. These may include non-surgical approaches like physical therapy, pain management, medication, or surgical interventions for more severe cases. 

Your treatment plan will be tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Back Pain Specialists Available in Davenport, Clermont and Orlando, FL

Don’t let back pain hold you back any longer. You can find hope for a pain-free back through expert consultation and personalized treatment. 

Contact the Florida Spine and Pain Institute today and take the first step towards a life free from the burden of back pain.


                                                  Schedule your appointment today!

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