Florida Spine & Pain Management Institute

What is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine

The field of regenerative medicine is one of the fastest-growing and most promising branches of medicine. Cutting-edge techniques and modern technology have allowed health professionals to fight chronic diseases in newer and more advanced ways. Regenerative medicine is often performed in a non-invasive way, meaning no surgical procedures or large incisions are needed to diagnose and administer therapy!

Dr. Javier Placer and his team provide industry-leading regenerative therapy to patients with a wide range of chronic diseases and conditions. These procedures are safe, effective, and much more affordable than traditional surgical methods. Arrange an initial consultation to see if you are eligible for regenerative medicine.

How Does Regenerative Medicine Work?

Your body is capable of regenerating itself. Cuts, scratches, broken bones, muscle tears, and the list goes on. This is all possible due to regenerative cells and materials contained within the body. 

Cytokines and platelets rich in growth factors are just a few examples of cellular materials that are designed to replace or repair damaged or dying cells.

regenerative medicine especialist

These cells and regenerative materials are introduced into injury sites via the bloodstream and can be programmed to perform the function of nearby cells. Meaning, when cells are introduced into a muscle tear, they recognize that each nearby cell is performing a muscular function, and they take on the same function, repairing the muscle.

While there are different types of regenerative medicine, each drawing on its own unique regenerative materials, the primary goal is mostly the same. The goal is to take naturally occurring regenerative processes in the body and increase their effectiveness and precision.

How Can Regenerative Medicine Help?

So, if the human body is capable of repairing itself – what’s the use for regenerative medicine. Well, simply put, the human body isn’t very effective at repairing chronic injury or disease. Instead, we tend to see superficial injuries heal the best while internal structures may only see partial or minimal healing occur.

Take, for example, tendons and joints; these internal structures are critical to our mobility and independent function, however, they are notorious for developing chronic conditions and persistent pain. This is due to the fact that these areas don’t have complete exposure to the bloodstream and the regenerative properties contained within it.

Regenerative medicine collects these materials, condenses them into concentrated doses, and under the precise guidance of Dr. Javier Placer and his team of highly trained practitioners, regenerative therapy is injected directly into problematic areas, providing the building blocks for the healing process directly to the source of your injury or pain.

Types of Regenerative Medicine

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelets and plasma are two of the four main components of your blood, helping it to coagulate and clot around injury sites and is also loaded with growth factors. Platelet-rich plasma is created by taking a blood sample, placing it in a centrifuge where it can be separated into its respective parts. The result is red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelet-rich plasma separated into clearly defined samples. 

PRP has been observed delivering incredible results when used on conditions such as knee osteoarthritis and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis). This procedure is also effective at treating conditions founding the:

  • Neck
  • Middle and lower spine 
  • Wrists and Elbows 
  • Shoulders 
  • Hips 
  • Knees
  • Ankles 

The PRP is then extracted into an injection needle, where it will be injected into an injury site or at the precise location of a chronic condition. This direct exposure allows for very targeted, localized healing to occur. This means that areas that have little to no circulatory exposure, now have the opportunity to rebuild and repair themselves, as many times as you repeat the process.


Prolotherapy works by causing a temporary, low-grade inflammation at the site of an injury or pain source. This targeted inflammation activates structures called fibroblasts which begin the process of maturing collagen and ultimately, reinforce connective tissue. 

This low-grade inflammation boosts the production of secondary growth factors, restarting or initiating new connective tissue repair sequences that had prematurely ended or failed to begin in the first place. Studies on Prolotherapy patients show ligament thickening, enlargement, and overall strengthening of the tendon or ligament following Prolotherapy injections.

Prolotherapy is best suited to help treat musculoskeletal pain or injury like sprains, strains, tendonitis, and tears, which have remained unrepaired after +8 weeks, or where enhanced healing is desired. It can be used to continue treatment for years after the initial pain or injury occurs. Prolotherapy is not a quick fix, rather it is a comprehensive, long-term solution for pain and injury recovery.

DR Javier Placer

Regenerative Medicine Services Available in Clermont, Orlando, Davenport, FL

If you have any questions or concerns about regenerative medicine, reach out to Dr. Javier Placer and his team of experts for more information. Our team is happy to provide you with additional resources to help you, and after an initial consultation, we can determine which form of regenerative medicine will offer you the best results!

Call our offices to speak with a member of our team or schedule an appointment online today!

Written by Funnels@invigomedia.com